Why Should Business Roll Out Next iOS App Development Using Swift 5?

What do you do in your free time? What is your main resource used for communication? Entertainment? On-demand requirements? The answer is simple – “Smartphones”. The decade of innovation and discoveries has welcomed a surge in the smartphone industry. This growing demand has encouraged entrepreneurs to halt, take some time, and wonder how this drastic […]

Updated 9 September 2024

Ajay Kumar
Ajay Kumar

CEO at Appventurez

What do you do in your free time? What is your main resource used for communication? Entertainment? On-demand requirements?

The answer is simple – “Smartphones”. The decade of innovation and discoveries has welcomed a surge in the smartphone industry.

This growing demand has encouraged entrepreneurs to halt, take some time, and wonder how this drastic shift can help them take their business a notch higher.

It is common knowledge now that mobile apps have brought a revolutionizing change in the market. 

This shift has introduced swift app development for iOS to the long list of programming languages. 

Why use Swift for iOS app development?

As per Stack Overflow, the iOS app programming language is one of the loved ones.

Now, you might be wondering why swift app development when so many programming languages are loved by developers and business owners in the market. 

To answer, Swift iOS programming is one of the trending programming language platforms that is used in the market.

It is the fastest-growing iOS app development platform that uses Swift. Several brands are in the market with Swift iOS programming only. Here are the apps made with Swift to give you an insight into the trending names.

 iOS App Development Using Swift 5

Enterprises and startups can gain a lot from swift app development that has several benefits including custom class, highly functional, customer satisfaction, and topnotch user experience.

With this said, let us know if should businesses switch from Objective-C to Switch, the features of the Switch 5 update, and how businesses and developers can benefit from it.

Let’s get down the road.

Should You Switch From Objective-C To Swift?

This is the major concern that business owners and developers have when it comes to switching from the older platform to the new trending platform. What can you say about iOS Swift Vs Objective C?

We will cover every aspect of it in the article below but to give you an idea let us tell you a few facts about ios app programming language.

Objective-C and Swift can be used in the same app in the form of bridging. In this concept, we use the Objective-C project and add Swift files to it to develop the XCode header file.

This header is similar to the Objective-C header but it is used to import the header of Objective-C to the Swift code (as per the requirement). Hence, the code will take minimum time to shift from Objective-C to swift app development

Another thing that is essential to keep in is the size of the Objective-C project. For a large project, bridging is not recommended due to leaky abstractions in Objective-C that can convert the new Swift code as less colloquial. 

For a medium or small-sized project, it will be easy to mix up the code. The major fact is that Swift holds a lot of value in the market which makes it ideal for developers. Even switching to swift app development can be beneficial for the future of apps in terms of performance and user experience.

Since now you have an idea of Swift app development, should you switch your earlier or ongoing Objective-C project to Swift? Or why swift is better than Objective C?

It completely depends upon several factors including the priority of the projects. If the on-going project has inflexible or urgent deadlines then it is best to complete it with Objective-C. 

However, once there is some traction in the market with the app then it can be switched to Swift with the new updates. 

Apart from this, the latest version of Swift 5 is in the market. If you are on the watch out for switching your app to Swift iOS programming then you must be aware of the trending market features that make it ideal.

10 Features In Swift 5 Update

The new update of Swift 5 was released not long ago bought is the ABI stability in the market. Apart from this, several other features were added to the list that made Swift 5 a huge success in the market as the iOS app programming language.

Here are the top Swift language features to give you a better look into it. 

Application Binary Interface – ABI Stability

Since we mentioned it above, let us start with this feature only. This is an API binary equivalent to the code. 

When a code is written, several APIs are used to use different libraries in the app. For instance, when it comes to putting up the interface with labels, buttons, and view controllers with the UIKit framework

The fact is that some of the codes are already on the phone (as libraries and frameworks) and users download the code twice with the app. Swift libraries are added in watchOS, tvOS, iOS, and even macOS which makes it less problematic to code the app.

Hence, with ABI, the users can only install the code that is not present on the phone. There are binary codes in the phones that an app will extract to use. The binary compatibility makes the size of an app in a phone smaller and built a bit easier than the iOS app programming language.

Result Type

iOS app development is altered with the addition of Result Type in Swift. The feature is used with two passed result stages including failure and success. Hence, it is included in the Swift standard library due to its high popularity.

The feature is used to work on one object that can return the values and errors (encapsulation). Failure and success use generics that depend upon the value. However, the Swift Error type should be conformed to failure.

The result can be demonstrated with code that connects the server and showcases the unread messages. The motive is to make the code more meaningful and full of enumeration power.

Standard Library Updates

As swift language features, the standard library has some major features that can benefit mobile app developers. It is to manage the libraries easily along with some major additions such as:

  • The Result and SIMD vectors can be implemented in the standard library.
  • The Raw Type support is improved to work on string literals.
  • A notch higher performance in terms of Set and Dictionary.
  • The use of String interpolation is enhanced which can use the data to construct a text.
  • Boost in performance with UTF-8 encoding and String revamping.

New CompactMapValues() Function

There are two major functions for dictionaries and arrays in standard Swift app development libraries that are map(_:) and compact map (_:).

When the resulting array is required then the developers implement the map(:_) to the array item. Whereas for discarding nil array items, compactMap(_:) is implemented.

There is another function mapValues(_:) that is used for the same dictionaries. However, it is not the function that can discard the nil array items. There is a new addition in dictionaries of compactMapValues(_:) function in Swift 5 

Compiler Updates & Additional Languages

Swift 5 is equipped with several exclusive enforcement along with memory access to easily release builds and debug code. Additionally, Swift 5 offers support for dynamic callable types that automatically enhance its interoperability nature with Ruby, Python, and JavaScript types programming languages.

This platform is also used to add literal initialization via Identity key path, coercion, and other proposals. This is all due to the evolution of the swift app development process that allows easy development.

count(where:) To Filter & Count

There are collection functions that are already used to develop apps such as filter(_:), reduce(_:), and map(_:). If you are familiar with these functions then you might also be aware that they can make a code wasteful and verbose.

However, to simplify the process, it is best to start with the filter function to count and then follow it up with count(where:). This will make it easy to not only filter but also count seamlessly with Swift programming language.

isMultiple(of:) For Integer Multiples

When it comes to practical programming, use cases are an extremely common factor in the addon. In these use cases, one important addition is checking the divisibility of numbers. Along with this, the even or odd numbers are also checked that require “%” as a remainder operator.

isMultiple(of:) function is used with Swift 5 to check the multiplicity of an integer with another number. This is to enhance code readability for the developers along with auto-completion of Xcode that makes it discoverable.

try? To Flatten Nested Optional

If you are regular at coding then you might be aware of the fact that nested operators can be unnecessary and confusing. There are times when to perform a simple task, we need to add multiple operators.

What about ‘try’ in Swift 5? Has it flattened up the nested optional? Does it work in the same manner in Swift 5? What about optional chaining? To sum it all up, it is used to keep the code neat and clean for developers to use.

Package Manager Updates

It is a new feature that is used in Swift 5 that includes customized deployment targets, target-specific build settings, and dependency mirroring. In addition to this, REPL allows importing libraries with the run command as the Swift 5 features. The best part is that there is no need to build an executable to implement the code.

Swift 5 Migration

These are the top-notch features of the Swift 5 that make developers migrate soon. The best thing is that there is no need to worry since the developers using Swift 4.2, Swift 4.1, and Swift can migrate to Swift 5.

This is the best way to move forward with iOS application development services seamlessly. To migrate to Swift 5, developers just need to implement a migrator of Apple Xcode 10.2 code. The migrator can easily handle the changes automatically. 

11 Reasons for Using Swift 5 for Business

Now you must be aware of the features that are added to Swift 5 as the language for iOS apps making it ideal for enterprises and businesses. To give you a deeper understanding of Swift 5, here are the top reasons that make developers run for platform migration.

Low Maintenance

App maintenance is the most common factor that makes business owners hire an experienced mobile app development company. Once the target audience downloads the app, it is essential to regularly update it in terms of new content.

Along with this, the developers need to track the performance of an app regularly and integrate features to take it a notch higher. However, the Swift programming language is a better platform than Objective-C due to its independent nature. Whereas Objective-C depends upon C evolution to update further.

Less Code

App crashes are extremely common in Objective-C due to several issues that are eliminated in Swift 5. With swift app development, it is easy to develop apps with error-prone code, all thanks to text strings and manipulating data inline support.

Swift developers need to write less code than is not possible in Objective-C. As a result, it saves a lot of time and effort for mobile app developers.


swift iOS programming is a platform that is open-source for developers and has the potential to grow with time for several platforms including backend infrastructure. Developers are free to let Apple know about feedback and hitches that will automatically improve the design and structure consistency.

Better Readability

Swift offers clean syntax that is easy for developers to read, write, and update. You might be confused since it is about code which can be a bit confusing. The fact is that the number of lines of code is decreased in swift app development as compared to that of Objective-C which makes it cleaner to read.

As a result, swift app development is used for iPhone apps that will automatically optimize the cost and time of development. 


Enterprises and startups can develop a safe and secure mobile app with the help of Swift. The fact is that security is the topmost priority of developers. Swift language construction and syntax can eliminate the issues that are created with Objective-C.


For mobile app development, Objective-C has several features. However, the speed of development with Swift is extremely high than Objective-C. As a result, it is a cost-effective choice that can improve the logic of the app before launching it in the market.

swift iOS programming is the platform that follows C++ due to its performance in terms of algorithm calculation arithmetic. 

New Addition

Swift was released in the market on 2nd June 2014 by Apple Inc. with a stable released launch date of 21 April 2017. 

Whereas Objective-C was in the market for a longer period, more than 30 years, as a C-language continuation. However, Swift was released again due to its lack of support for Objective-C functionalities.

Multiple-Faceted Languages

Swift is a platform that is built with the help of multi-faceted languages making it easy to understand. This is not limited to it, but it also helps in developing multiple apps that can be complicated and simple. 

Optimal Language Programming

Swift is an extremely efficient language for iOS apps that are used to develop for business. It is considered a top-class programming language developed by Apple that is working to enhance the experience of developers. The best part is that the regular updates are to improve the user-friendliness of the language


Swift is the programming language that uses syntax to help developers. However, the syntax is regularly improved in Swift to create the code. In addition to this, Swift also helps to maintain consistency and develop top-notch apps.

No Restrictions

Just because Apple developed a language for iOS apps – Swift doesn’t mean that it is the best for iPhone app development. It might be adopted by several programs including Linux but it is in a growing phase. Even now, it can be used to develop Android apps as well and is not limited to iOS.


Swift 5 has come up as a blessing for mobile app developers with powerful pattern matching, inference, and lightweight syntax. This is to make complex ideas much more concise and clear to allow users to understand it
Even in a short period, swift app development is challenging for major platforms to develop an app with a clear perspective. So, if you are without experienced Swift developers, make sure to get in touch with us to give you an app a stable look.

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    Ajay Kumar
    Ajay Kumar

    CEO at Appventurez

    Ajay Kumar has 15+ years of experience in entrepreneurship, project management, and team handling. He has technical expertise in software development and database management. He currently directs the company’s day-to-day functioning and administration.