Introduction to Angular: When and Why You Should Use it?

Do you know what makes the difference between yesterday, today, and the future? Well, it is technology. This obvious answer to all the questions has taken place in every domain, be it healthcare, hospitality, finance, fashion, lifestyle, or the mobile app development industry.  While serving other domains, technology is fueling the mobile app industry too, […]

Updated 13 February 2024

Omji Mehrotra
Omji Mehrotra

VP - Delivery at Appventurez

Do you know what makes the difference between yesterday, today, and the future?

Well, it is technology.

This obvious answer to all the questions has taken place in every domain, be it healthcare, hospitality, finance, fashion, lifestyle, or the mobile app development industry. 

While serving other domains, technology is fueling the mobile app industry too, which needs to be restored timely and too often. 

The overall mobile app development process is the amalgamation of:-

Skipping even the minimalistic approach can cause a great idea and a bitter failure. 

This is the reason, advancement in mobile app development technology is boosting as per the arrival of the technology. 

Also, to surpass the apps that have set the benchmark in the app store, the latest and most advanced technologies are being approached by most mobile app developers. 
Taking the same tale ahead, the Introduction of Angular- technology has taken its fair share in the market. Also, it is supposed to be the second most used technology after Node.js as per the 2018 Stack Overflow Survey.

2018 Stack Overflow Survey

The reason for its popularity is not anonymous as this frontend mobile app development tool is equipped with robust components. These components, on the other hand, assist mobile app developers to write clean, readable, maintainable, easy-to-use code. 

And this is just the beginning of a great tool made available for app developers. 

To witness what is so cool and sassy about this tool, let’s dig deeper. 

The Posthumous Introduction of Angular

Angular is a web development platform built using TypeScript that gives mobile app developers the ease of robust Angular Development tools for creating client-side web applications. 

Furthermore, it was released in the year 2010 (formerly known as AngularJS) as a JavaScript framework that was once supposed to build single-page applications. 

Now, doubting Why Angular is Better than Other Framework.

Amid its superior performance, the introduction of frameworks like Angular over React and Vue vs Angular made it mandatory for the Angular team to work and improve it all the more. 
Seeing the utter necessity to improve it, Google in the year 2016, presented a brand new, fully rewritten version of the tool and staged it simply as Angular.

The new advancements are in the form of new features that include Semantic versioning based on the MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH schemea command-line interface (CLI) and an entirely component-based architecture

The only drawback associated with this Angular Development Framework is that it was not a clone of Angular.JS – which makes it a time-consuming task for app developers to write code when switching from JS to Angular. 

To cut the chaos, the next version of it called Angular 4 became available in March 2017. 

This version of Angular presents faster compilation, code size reduction, bug-fix alerts, and backward compatibility with Angular 2. And there is a series of Angular advancements made here- an effort to make the platform beloved by front-end developers. 

Have a look at the precisely made journey walked by Angular in these years.

The Angular Journey

The very next question that might come to your mind will be – even after ups and downs in the platform, why would one opt for Angular? 

Scroll down and figure out the answers to ‘Why Angular’. 

Let’s get started- 

9 Reasons To Nod YES To Angular

  1. Support from Google
  2. Precise and detailed documentation 
  3. Typescript matters
  4. Declarative user Interface
  5. POJO- extended support
  6. The process of Testing is Easier
  7. The MVC pattern gets simplified
  8. Outstanding Modular Structure
  9. Code Consistency

Support From Google

Google’s support for Angular with its Google’s Long-Term Support (LTS) is the biggest advantage Angular can ever ask for. 

The ongoing support from the tech giant is a clear indication that Google is nowhere close to abandoning the framework. The giant is scaling up the aura of the Angular ecosystem timely. 

Precise And Detailed Documentation 

To let front-end mobile app developers find necessary information, Angular is boosted with detailed documentation. 

Thus, be it resolving the ongoing issues in the app or figuring out the right technical solution, Angular is full-filling everything. 

Typescript Matters

We are now closely diving into the depth of Angular’s popularity. 

Angular applications are made using TypeScript language that renders higher security standards as it supports types like primitives, interfaces, etc. 

With the help of this mechanism, it becomes easy for developers to figure out and eliminate errors early when doing coding or attending app maintenance tasks. 

The ease and effectiveness directly impact the goodwill of Angular. 

Declarative user Interface

Angular made use of HTML for defining the application’s UI as it is a declarative and intuitive language. 

Due to this, the time spent drafting programming flows gets eliminated as Angular will take care of the required action. 

Isn’t the framework getting interesting?

Keep scrolling, there is more to explore.

POJO- Extended Support

Thanks to the introduction of Angular, the need for getting additional getter and setter functions ends with it. 


Well, every object it uses is based on the concept called POJO (Plain Old JavaScript Object). The concept enables object manipulation by completing the need for all the conventional JavaScript functionalities. 

Using POJO, one can get the ease of adding or removing properties from the object along with looping over the objects when needed. 

Process Of Testing Is Easier

Due to the Angular.js modules, the process of testing becomes easier and way smoother. 

With the help of module separation, developers can load all the required services along with performing the automatic testing side by side. 

Furthermore, following the “one file-one module” principle, the need to remember module loading gets eliminated here. 

The MVC Pattern Gets Simplified

The introduction of the Angular framework is concealed with the original MVC(Model-View-Controller) software architectural setup. 

Due to the MVC components, the requirement to split the application into different MVC components gets eliminated here. Apart from that, building code to unite them is also easier.

MVC Architecture

Just because of the flexibility, both Angular and MVVM (Model-View-View-Model) designs are similar. 

Apart from serving all these, Angular also ensures easy development as it eliminates the requirement for unnecessary code. The framework has got simplified MVC architecture making writing getters and setters needless. 

Outstanding Modular Structure

Another reason to choose Angular is its Modular Structure. 

Whether the components, pipes, services, or directives, the framework simply organizes code into buckets. These buckets are also referred to as modules. 

These modules, on the other hand, made the functionality of the app organization easier while segregating it into features with reusable chunks to be used later. 

With it, we are moving towards the last but certainly, not least point before nodding YES to Angular. 

Code Consistency

Similar to the content written that fails to resonate with the readers or the piece that is not able to convert leads, coding is no different. 

Coding that is inconsistent fans in delayed launches and elevated costs as compared to consistent coding that got several benefits of using Angular. 

Consistent and precise coding has several benefits like it makes the site user-friendly and easy to use while enabling developers to use templates or pre-defined code snippets. 

With these Reasons To Choose Angular, there is a mirror that you need to face. 

In the next section, we are going to prepare you for things that are required to be addressed when choosing Angular. 

But these are the issues that are negotiable and can be taken care of to use the best of Angular.

Here we go- 

3 Things That Need To Be Taken Care Of When Choosing Angular

  1. Angular is hard to learn
  2. Less scope for SEO options
  3. Backward compatibility difficulties

Angular Is Hard To Learn

It is noted many a time that developers often find Angular a bit complex making it the hardest bet for the ones who are just venturing into the mobile app development industry. 

Also, its component-based architecture makes code readable but at the same time, it is challenging to manage and set dependencies between the components. Apart from that, TypeScript is an additional challenge as it requires time to learn. 

Still, there is nothing that can not be resolved. 

Less Scope Of SEO Options

The team Angular is trying its best to make the framework competitive. 

However, it has been observed that mobile app developers often complain of poor accessibility for search crawlers. 

Backward Compatibility Difficulties

There is a barrier developers cannot switch directly from AngularJS to Angular. To cut the chaos, there is a section that documents all ways to deal with migration. 

Even after that, it would not be wrong to say that the older Angular still falls for backward compatibilities. 

Out of so many Reasons To Choose Angular, these are the 3 big issues that need to be taken care of. 

Meanwhile, these are issues that can easily be sorted out. 

With everything in line, here is another treat to indulge in. 

3 Tips- When To Use Angular

Entrepreneurial-Based Web Apps

TypeScript is the jack of all trades when it comes to developing large-scale projects claimed by Angular teams. 

It is equipped with auto-completion, advanced refactoring, and navigation features. Also, with the help of its architecture tool, one can easily reuse and maintain the codes too. 

Apps That Need Dynamic Content

Angular carries a range of tools for SPA development. And is supposed to be ideal for websites where content changes dynamically as per the user’s ratings, reviews, behavior, and preferences. 

PWA (Progressive Web Apps)

Seeing the demand for Progressive Web Apps, the Angular team is working on facilitating the process of creating PWAs. 

So, these are a few of the projects that can take advantage of Angular, and some projects do not require it. 

Keeping the thread, let us show you the number of projects that do not require Angular.

4 Times When Not To Use Angular

Websites With Static Content

As mentioned above, Angular is the ideal choice for websites where the content changes dynamically but a betting choice for building small pages with static content. 

Also, if one is planning to make use of this technology, Angular will only increase the overall size of the project while increasing the load time too. 

SEO-Optimized Websites

We have already mentioned above that developers have shown their concern regarding less scope for SEO content. 

For sure, you want to make yourself reach the ultimate goal, thus, refrain from using Angular is always recommended. 

In case, you cannot skip using it, you will only be required to put a lot of effort into optimizing the web app for search engines. 

Short-Term Projects

Angular is not supposed to be an ideal choice for short-term projects or startups with a handful of resources. 

Also, due to the complexity of the framework, it is not for projects where there is a limited number of developers.

Apps With A Microservice Design

Apps with microservice architecture on the front end should not go for Angular. 

It might look quite negative on the side of Angular but the fact is Angular is a complete solution. Due to its completeness, it cannot lend control by letting one select only a few things as per the app size. 

Its ecosystem is a bit rigid and complete. 

We have reached the last and most appealing section of the blog. 

In this section, we will be looking at the Popular web apps built with Angular. 

Let’s get started –

Web Apps Made Using Angular

Goodness in Angular made it the favorite option for many web app developers to go ahead with it. Thus, there is a list of apps developed using it. 

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We’ve delivered what was requested, yet there’s a realm of additional insights waiting to be uncovered through engagement with app development experts. Take the next step and connect with them today for a deeper exploration. If you’re specifically interested in Angular apps development, consider reaching out to a specialized Angular apps development company to tap into their expertise and elevate your project to new heights. Connect now and unlock the full potential of your app development journey!



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    Omji Mehrotra
    Omji Mehrotra

    VP - Delivery at Appventurez

    Expert in the Communications and Enterprise Software Development domain, Omji Mehrotra co-founded Appventurez and took the role of VP of Delivery. He specializes in React Native mobile app development and has worked on end-to-end development platforms for various industry sectors.